Obesity and childhood trauma - The link

Obesity and childhood trauma - The link

Obesity and childhood trauma

Obesity is a serious disorder and has been attributed to several causes sedentary lifestyles, junk food, irregular eating habits, lack of physical exercises are all known to cause obesity.

It is also known that obese parents will have obese children.

Obesity need not be attributed to physical and pathological causes alone. Childhood trauma in the form of mental, physical verbal or sexual abuse can be a major cause for one being obese too.

According to recent research, children who are abused sexually or mentally at an early age tend to become obese by the time they turn 15. As per Disease Control and Prevention’s ACE study, more than six million obese people have suffered from some form of physical or verbal abuse as children.

Physical exercises, treating underlying pathologies, and strict diets are no longer the only way to treat obesity. The story goes deeper than that!

Millions more have had a history of family problems like parent’s divorcing, a chronically sick member in the family, death of a loved one, financial instability, no emotional security, etc.

Ironically, for all such people, food is the solution, and not the problem. Food offers them solace, and an escape from reality. Eating makes them feel good, and lifts their spirits. They eat till they become chronically obese.

This research finding also throws light on how obesity should be viewed in terms of medical diseases. Earlier obesity treatment used to be focused more on physical or pathological planes. With recent revealing though, the treatment also needs to have a psychosomatic base. The role of psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, and cognitive therapy are all being explored in the successful treatment of obesity.

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