Overview of occupational diseases

Overview of occupational diseases

Occupational diseases

Occupational diseases are health and medical conditions which are contracted primarily due to contact with risk conditions in workplace. These can have multiple causes and factors involved in the onset and development of the condition - work environment, factory circumstances, and others. Major causes for occupational diseases include airborne exposures, ergonomic stressors, injuries, carcinogens, noise, and others. Here are 5 most commonly reported occupational diseases :

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome :

This occurs in those who are involved in work with vibrating equipment. Resulting from the compression of the median nerve, the tools which increase the risk of this condition is hand-held vibrating power apparatus like chainsaw, sanders and others. The median nerve controls the sensation and motion of hands. The carpal tunnel is a thin passage in the wrist that constitutes small bones and a strong band of tissue to play the role of a pulley for the tendons which bend the fingers. Most common symptoms include a dull aching in the arm or hand, paraesthesia, and weakness of thumb. Treatment includes use of wrist splints, corticosteroid injections in mild cases. However, if the condition is severe, surgery might be required to ensure that permanent nerve damage does not occur.

Cramp of the hand or forearm: Caused by recurring work movements, a person suffering from chronic cramps in the hand is unable to carry out a sequence of tasks which were previously synchronized and done without difficulty. The common method of treating cramps is through massage and heat therapy. Individually, one could do stretching exercises and have adequate intake of fluids to reduce the probability of occurrence of these cramps.

Occupational dermatitis :

Occurring in case of contact with chemical or biological irritant and sensitizing agent, occupational dermatitis is majorly caused by wet work, rubber chemicals, epoxy resins, metal working fluids, cement, latex, soaps and cleaners, and wood. The fields of work where dermatitis is commonly reported are - health service work, paint spraying, construction, horticulture, catering, hairdressing, agriculture, electroplating, printing, and cleaning. Symptoms of dermatitis include red and circular patches which could be itchy and also flaky; there could be greasy and yellow-colored scales on the eyebrows and scalps; the mildest cases generally include the presence of red rashes in the exposed area. The common treatment of dermatitis is the use of moisturizing lotions along with identification of the chemical and avoidance of contact. In case of inflammation and acute irritation, the doctor could also recommend oral antihistamine and corticosteroid cream. Depending on the severity, corticosteroid tablets and injections could be used.

Occupational asthma :

Usually, respiratory sensitizer is the cause of this condition. These include wood dusts, grain dusts, epoxy resin fumes, solder fume, and others. Asthma is characterized by swelling and narrowing of the airway leading to wheezing, tightness in chest, shortness of breath and coughing. Treatment of asthma includes use of medicine to prevent asthma attacks, long-term medicines which are either inhaled (like steroids and beta-agonists) or oral. For quick response to asthma, oral corticosteroids and inhaled bronchodilators are used.

Tendonitis and Tenosynovitis :

Both of these are kinds of tendon injury. Tendonitis refers to inflammation of a tendon, while tenosynovitis is the inflammation of the case (called synovium) which envelopes the tendon. This commonly occurs in those who undertake recurring work that is physically strenuous. These works include repetitive lifting and assembling of heavy items or tasks where the movement of hand or wrist is constrained to a specific posture or extreme. Tendonitis is initially treated by resting the affected area and modifying the range of activities that caused the condition. Splints along with heat and cold massage are also used. Recommended medications include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, and steroids which could be injected into the sheath of the tendon directly to defuse the pain and relieve the inflammation. Treatment of tenosynovitis also involves use of splint and removable braces that will allow the tendon to be in its right place. Ibuprofen and localized corticosteroid injection could be injected for help with inflammation and pain.

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