Safeguard yourself against high blood pressure

Blood pressure refers to the pressure exerted by circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels and is one of the principle vital signs. High blood pressure is an evolving challenge of new age. Data says that every fourth Indian suffers high BP today and one third of them don’t even know it. Some simple lifestyle changes fire-guard you from high blood pressure and heart disease.

  • Add movement to life

    Exercise makes heart strong. Strong heart can pump more blood with less effort, thus reducing the force on arteries. A small 30-minute walk every day makes a big difference. It helps shed weight and slash blood pressure.

  • Get your daily five

    Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients like potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants, which are all in blood pressure lowering agents. Eat a handful at a time. Aim to eat five such servings a day.

  • Split up with salt

    Salt is strongly linked to blood pressure. Salt attracts and draws fluid raising the volume and pressure of blood in arteries. Bread, sauces, breakfast cereals and packaged and canned foods are the main culprits that add to high salt intake without your notice. Check the label for salt content. 1.5g of salt per 100g is too much and less than 0.3mg per 100g is too less. Watch out your salt intake. Daily intake should not exceed 2300 mg.

  • Add purple to life

    Fruits and vegetables of purple color such as eggplant and beetroot particularly benefit in blood pressure maintenance due to presence of chemicals called anthocyanins. They enhance nitric oxide output. Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow.

  • Booze less

    Alcohol raises blood pressure overtime. Binging and heavy drinking adversely affects blood and constricts them. Limit drinking to not more than a 175 ml glass of wine.

  • Opt to eat wholegrain cereals

    Wholegrain like oats and brown rice help to reduce blood pressure. Opt for whole-meal bread and porridge and pasta. Replace refined cereals with these to get healthy blood.

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