Chickpeas are consumed regularly in Indian and Latin American meals. They are one of the richest sources of proteins, the protein content in them equaling that of fish and lean meat. Besides, they also are fibre rich and help in keeping your digestive system in top condition.
Chickpeas have long been ignored by the western world. But a new research study may make them sit up and take notice of this humble pea.
Chickpeas are high in fibers and proteins, they are not calorie-dense and are ideal for controlling the blood sugar! Any more reasons needed to add them to your diet?
The study, published in the Archives of internal medicines, states that chickpeas and other legumes are extremely diabetic friendly. Regularly eating chickpeas helps reduce the symptoms of diabetes and also keeps some of its complications, especially heart complications, at bay.
The study, conducted in Canada, saw 121 participants, all of whom suffered of Type II diabetes Mellitus. At the start, in 2010, they were all measured for blood sugar, blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Then they were randomly divided into 2 groups. One group was instructed to include a bowl of legumes in their diet daily, while the other was instructed to include whole-wheat products.
At the end of 3 months, the groups were measured, yet again, on the same parameters. Both groups showed a reduction in the HBA1c levels, a marker of average blood sugar.
The group consuming legumes showed slightly larger reduction in these levels, over the whole-wheat consuming group; 0.5% compared to 0.3%.
Though this reduction may seem small and insignificant, researchers believe that if maintained over several weeks, it can become therapeutically meaningful, i.e. it can lead to reduction in oral hypoglycemic medications.
Besides sugar levels, the legume eaters also saw a loss in their body weight, thus positively affecting their cholesterol and blood pressure levels too!
Chickpeas have another claim to fame, amongst diabetics. Doctors believe that foods with a low glycemic index are ideal foods for diabetics. They take a longer time to get digested, and thus, the levels of sugar in your blood don’t fluctuate. Chickpeas are low in glycemic index, which is another reason for diabetics to consume them daily!
The link between chickpeas and diabetes
The link between chickpeas and diabetes
Chickpeas have been found to have properties that are beneficial for diabetics, according to a recent study published in the Archives of Internal Medicines.
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