Hair -The crowning glory of health

Hair -The crowning glory of health

Hair -The crowning glory of health

Hair is the finest natural adornment one has. Our hair speaks a lot about our personality. It is an important tool and is responsible for the way we view our self and how we choose to allow society to view us.

Hair is the most visible indicator of health. Our hair tells our story of good or bad health to the world. Diseases like anemia, thyroid disorders, and hormonal imbalances can be detected by simple hair tests.
Hair is the barometer of our health. Often times, hair changes are the first indication that something is wrong internally.

Hair is nourished by the blood that flows to the scalp. Any change in the blood content due to medications, hormones or due to lack of nutrients is immediately reflected upon the hair. Excessive hair fall, dry rough hair, spilt ends, dandruff that refuses to die down are all signals of your hair in distress and you need to see your doctor soon!

  1. Dandruff: The white flakes that stop you from wearing the black dress you love, is dandruff. Though the exact cause of dandruff isn’t known, it is believed that dandruff is the flaking of the scalp. Fungal infections of the scalp, oily skin, obesity, stress, cold weather are all factors that contribute to the development of dandruff. Dandruff, per se, is harmless. However, its presence points to the underlying causes that need to be addressed.

  2. Serious hair fall: Hair fall is normal. About a 100 strands per day is expected. Our hair is in a constant growth phase. 90% of our hair follicles are producing new hair at any given point of time. The remaining 10% are in a resting phase called Telogen. All hair that fall are replaced by new ones. At times, the fall rate is too high. This is called Telogen Effluvium. This state is seen after major illnesses like typhoid, post-pregnancy, post-surgery and in thyroid diseases and severe anemia. The hair here, literally fall by handfuls.

  3. Yellow dandruff: This is indicative of a fungal infection. Medically known as Seborrheic Dermatitis. The hair appears greasy. This condition is also attributed to excessive oiliness of the scalp and some neurological problems.

  4. Brittle hair: Hair that is thin and brittle and breaks easily tells that you spend too much time in the sun. This could also be because your body lacks vitamin C, zinc and iron.

  5. Split hair: Split ends indicate a protein deficiency in your diet.

  6. Thinning hair: Thin hair indicates the increased level of adrenaline related to the premenopausal stress. Low levels of oestrogen in this phase are also responsible for thin hair.

  7. Poor hair growth: If your hair doesn’t grow back as quickly as you would want it to after a haircut, it may mean that you are not eating sufficient proteins and vitamin B.

If your diet and lifestyle are faulty, then the first place it will show on is your hair and unless you correct it, the entire hair-care products in the world can do no repair to the damage.

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