Tips to improve your digestion

Tips to improve your digestion

Helping digestion

Sometimes we have problems with gas or bloating and sometimes bowel irregularity, which we take for granted as just one of those things that happen. However, it should not be happening and if you just pay a little attention to a few things then your digestive system will work smoothly and you will be able to absorb more nutrients also.

Physical activity

Exercising increases digestion because exercising takes blood to the organs and stimulates them to work more efficiently. Exercise tones the muscles in the digestive tract as well as the walls of the colon. Keeping your weight down also improves gastroesophageal reflux disease where the acid does not get a chance to come back into the esophagus from the stomach. Exercising can also help you to reduce stress, as stress can burden your digestive system. A 30-minute brisk walk, swim, or cardio is a good way to exercise and reduce stress also.

Choice of foods and fluids

Fats are difficult to digest, so limit fried foods. Eat lean meats like chicken for protein. It is easier to digest low-fat dairy, so switch over if you are using whole dairy foods. Limit your intake of butter to just a thumbnail measure. However, since fats are required by the body it is important to have some along with soluble and insoluble fiber to balance.

Intake of fiber is important as this not only keeps the bowel movements going well, but also slows down the digestive process. Slowing down the digestion process allows the glucose from foods to enter the bloodstream slowly which keeps blood sugar levels stable. Fiber ensures that your stomach empties out regularly and you have a clean system where toxins cannot linger and cause infections and other digestive tract issues like piles.

It is important to drink water as not drinking enough water slows down the digestive system. A hard stool is difficult to pass. If you see that your urine is not clear it means you need to drink more water and take in more fluids.

Not more, but having less stomach acid can cause digestive issues.

Eating Habits

It is a good idea to eat slowly and to chew on your food the recommended 20 times so that the stomach is ready to absorb all the necessary nutrients from the well chewed food. Moreover, digestive enzymes in the saliva begin to work when food is in the mouth for longer. Eating slowly also tells the brain that you have had your fill of food. This method also helps to reduce weight. Always eat mindfully conscious of all the textures and taste of the food as this ensures you enjoy the food, but eat only the amount which can be digested well.

If food is not digested properly, it ferments wrongly in the stomach and releases harmful bacteria.

Keep a regular schedule and eat at more or less the same time and with a gap of about three hours so that food can be digested well before the next lot is taken. Also, make sure that you eat a good mix of cooked and uncooked foods.

Enzymes and Probiotics

In case you have a digestive system that is not balanced then you might require enzyme building medication after consulting with the doctor. Taking probiotic fluids or foods helps to balance the digestive system by providing it with good bacteria.


Detoxifying the digestive system from time to time is helpful. All of us cannot follow the long drawn out detoxification process recommended by Ayurveda and Yogic cleansing, but we can detoxify by fasting and eating only fruits and juices at least once in a while so that the digestive system gets a rest and works more efficiently.

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