Deep inside your heart - Atherosclerosis

Deep inside your heart - Atherosclerosis

Deep inside your heart - Atherosclerosis

The dreaded disease of plaque formation inside the arteries.

Atherosclerosis is a disease of cardiovascular system characterized by plaque formation in the inner walls of arteries. This plaque is usually made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium and other substances that are present in blood. It hardens and blocks the arteries. If this plaque is formed in the arteries of heart, it results in heart attack while a blockage in brain arteries leads to stroke and paralysis. This process of plaque formation actually is taking place slowly from the birth in every individual and gradually. If the care is not taken, it leads to blockages in vessels thus blocking blood supply to vital organs.The process speeds up after the age 20. High levels of cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes and excess weight are the risk factors to watch out for. Medicines prescribed for atherosclerosis help arteries to regain elasticity, lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent clot formation. Surgical techniques used to relieve blockages:

  1. Balloon dilation (percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty or PTCA): The narrowed coronary artery is dilated (opened-up) with a balloon.

  2. Bypass surgery: A section of blood vessel is taken from another part of body like the leg and joined to the blocked artery to bypass the obstruction to blood flow.

  3. Cleaning the artery (endarterectomy): Surgery is used to scrape the fatty plaques from inside the arteries. This operation is usually only used for repairing the carotid arteries in the neck.

How to prevent or slow down blockages in the arteries:

  1. Diet: Diet high in fibre and low in fats & cholesterol helps to keep plaques away. Sugar and excess dairy products should be avoided.

  2. Quit smoking.

  3. Lose excess weight if you are overweight and exercise more.

  4. Keep a check on blood sugars if you have diabetes.

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