Most common causes of iron deficiency anaemia

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia. It is also most common among females. As the name suggests, it is caused due to lack of Iron which leads to low hemoglobin production by bone marrow. Read on for 8 causes of anemia.

  • Pregnancy

    Pregnancy and breast feeding deplete iron stores in the woman leading to anemia.

  • Blood loss

    Heavy blood loss such as that during a surgery, heavy menstrual bleeding or frequent blood donation leads to anemia.

  • Improper diet

    1. Lower dietary intake of iron causes anemia.<br /> 2. Some of the food habits like consuming dairy or other calcium-rich food and caffeinated drinks like coffee with iron-rich food hamper iron absorption.

  • Diseases

    Iron is not absorbed in diseases like Crohn’s disease and Celiac disease. Such diseases contribute to improper absorption of iron.

  • Medicines

    Medicines like calcium supplements when taken with iron-rich food hamper the absorption of iron.

  • Surgery

    Surgeries like gastric bypass make it difficult for the right absorption of iron.

  • Hereditary

    In some of the cases anemia is hereditary. Infants may be affected since birth.

  • Age

    1. Teenage girls are more prone to anemia because of menstrual flow and improper diet.<br /> 2. Elderly women are also more prone to anemia due to associated diseases and medications.

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